Con conjunciones coordinadas

Utilice una coma con una conjunción copulativa cuando combine dos cláusulas independientes.

Una cláusula independiente es un término que designa un pensamiento u oración completa con un sujeto y un verbo. Una conjunción coordin ante es una conjunción que combina dos elementos iguales y puede combinar dos frases completas. En el inglés americano tenemos siete conjunciones coordinantes:


You may have heard of these referred to as the FANBOYS, which is a great way to help you remember all seven of the coordinating conjunctions.

Coordinating conjunctions can connect all kinds of words and phrases, but when they are used to connect independent clauses, we must place a comma before the coordinating conjunction, as illustrated in the following example:

I am preparing for a zombie invasion, and I am building a strong zombie fort around my home.

TIP! If the coordinating conjunction does not connect two independent clauses, you would not need a comma before the coordinating conjunction, as illustrated in the following example:

I am preparing for a zombie invasion and am building a strong zombie fort around my home.

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