Article on a News Website | APA References

un periódico en línea

Distinguishing Between a News Website and a Newspaper’s Website: There is very little to distinguish the presentation of articles on websites like CNN or Vox from articles found on the website for the New York Times or Washington Post. However, periodicals with print editions are treated differently from online-only sources, even if the articles were accessed online. You can find how to construct references for that type of source here. Note that online-only news sources and webpages have the article title italicized instead of the webpage where the article itself is hosted.

Elementos: Apellido del autor, iniciales del nombre y del segundo nombre del autor, y apellidos e iniciales de otros autores, si los hay. (Fecha de publicación o actualización). Título de la página web en cursiva. Nombre del sitio. URL

Street, F. (2020, 9 de enero). Cómo el pueblo que inspiró 'Frozen' está lidiando con el sobreturismo. CNN.

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