Category: Level 4 pages

Long Quotations

Long Quotations

Long quotations should be kept to a minimum in your essay. Additionally, you should only use those parts of the long quotation that you really need. If a passage has a middle section that...

Using Sentences

Using Sentences

Usually, when you find it necessary to quote, you’ll be using a full sentence or two from a text as a quotation. In addition to making sure the quote is necessary and meaningful, be...

Using Phrases & Words

Using Phrases & Words

Although you generally want to avoid using too many short quotes when you write, there are times when you need to quote a word or a phrase as a part of your own sentence....

Image of a sample care plan.


Care plans describe the care services and support a patient will receive from his or her healthcare team. They describe patient needs, necessary actions, and care responsibilities. You can find a sample care plan...

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