Book Review | 18th Edition

4.5/5 starsThe first entry is a sample footnote/endnote as it would appear the first time that a work is cited. Remember, while our examples begin with “1.”, notes should be numbered based on the order they occur in the paper.

The second entry is a shortened version for subsequent notes from the same source.

The third entry is the bibliographic citation that will be found at the end of the work. A bibliography is alphabetized by author’s last name.

1. Noah Kulwin, "Narrative Napalm," review of The Bomber Mafia, by Malcolm Gladwell, The Baffler, May 17, 2021,
2. Kulwin, "Narrative Napalm."
Kulwin, Noah. "Narrative Napalm." Review of The Bomber Mafia, by Malcolm Gladwell. The Baffler, May 17, 2021.

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