Category: Level 4 pages



The first entry is a sample footnote/endnote as it would appear the first time that a work is cited. Remember, while our examples begin with “1.”, notes should be numbered based on the order...

MLA Block Quotations

MLA Block Quotations

Quotations that are more than four lines should be set off from the text of your essay in a block quote. The text you’re quoting should be indented a half inch. Do not add...

Social Media

Social Media

The first entry is a sample footnote/endnote as it would appear the first time that a work is cited. Remember, while our examples begin with “1.”, notes should be numbered based on the order...



Digital Images If you’re adding a digital image such as infographics, clip art, or stock images, to your APA References page, you should follow the below format. Elements: Last Name of Creator, First Initial...

Secondary Sources

Secondary Sources

Sometimes you will be citing a quotation that you found within another source, for example a study that was referred to in one of your sources that was conducted by someone else. This is...

Social Media

Social Media

When you cite material posted on a social media platform, follow the general MLA format template. First, list the author of the post. If their handle on social media is significantly different from their...

Lectures & Speeches

Lectures & Speeches

In Person Lecture or Speech When documenting a lecture or speech you attended in person for your MLA Works Cited page, the container is simply the details of the event. Include the location, date,...



In-text citations from plays have different formatting depending on whether the play is written in verse or in prose. When quoting lines of verse, avoid using page numbers and cite by whatever categories you...



When referencing commonly studied works of prose, such as a novel or a play, list the page number or author and page number first in your in-text citation. After that, list the other relevant...

Organizational Author

Organizational Author

If a source is created by an organization (a corporation, a research institute, etc), the author element in the in-text citation is the name of the organization shortened to its shortest noun phrase. The...

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