Category: Individual pages

Writing Online Discussion Feedback

Writing Online Discussion Feedback

If you are teaching online, you can use the Excelsior OWL to provide feedback both in discussion forums and in student’s written work. For example, you are working with your students on integrating source...

Avoiding Plagiarism

Avoiding Plagiarism

Avoiding Plagiarism offers comprehensive support for helping students understand plagiarism, understand its consequence, and know what they can do to avoid plagiarism. With pre- and post-activities and video support to help illustrate the consequences...

ESL Writing Online Workshop

ESL Writing Online Workshop

The ESL Writing Online Workshop provides ESL students with the same kind of comprehensive writing process support available in the other areas of the Excelsior OWL, only this ESL support is contained within one...

Online Writing & Presentations

Online Writing & Presentations

Online Writing & Presentations offers support for students in the kinds of writing they encounter almost every day in college. Teachers may want to spend specific class time or devote specific areas in an...

Rhetorical Styles

Rhetorical Styles

Because Rhetorical Styles covers such a wide variety of development styles, it is unlikely that teachers would need all of the content in this area for a single course. However, it could be used...

Grammar Essentials

Grammar Essentials

While the Research and the The Writing Process areas are designed to be completely integrated into a curriculum, the content for Grammar Essentials is generally designed to be used on an “as-needed” basis. The...

Argument & Critical Thinking

Argument & Critical Thinking

Argument & Critical Thinking also provides students with a scaffolded, step-by-step approach to writing, but the focus in this area is on creating strong, argumentative projects with convincing support free from errors in logic....



The Research area is comprehensive and provides a scaffolded, step-by-step approach to the process of writing a paper with sources. Students can be taken through each step, and teachers can structure a course or...

The Writing Process

The Writing Process

The Writing Process area of the Excelsior OWL is comprehensive and provides a scaffolded, step-by-step approach to the process of writing an essay, only this area focuses on essays that do not require sources....

Online & Hybrid Classrooms

Online & Hybrid Classrooms

Because it is an open-educational electronic resource, the Excelsior OWL works particularly well in online and hybrid classrooms. Perhaps the most promising aspect of the Excelsior OWL is that it can be used as...

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