Category: Level 3 pages



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After completing this activity, you may download or print a completion report that summarizes your results. To save a PDF copy of the report, click below and follow instructions for your browser.

Explore the Reading Lab

Explore the Reading Lab

The Reading Lab has modules covering over two dozen topics. It is divided into three sections: what to do before reading, what to do while reading, and what to do after reading. These sections...

Learning to Read

Learning to Read

Learning to read and write isn’t just about doing well in school. It’s also about personal development and the ability to lead a mindful and fulfilling life. Literacy skills like reading and writing shape...

Common Reading Systems

Common Reading Systems

You probably have a process or system for many common things you do—like getting ready in the morning, going to work or school, or doing chores. Do you have a process for reading?There are...



Learn How to Analyze a TextTo analyze means to break something down into its parts and examine them. Analyzing is a vital skill for successful readers. Analyzing a text involves breaking down its ideas...

Vocabulary Strategies

Vocabulary Strategies

Learn How to Improve Your Vocabulary as You ReadThe ability to read effectively requires a strong vocabulary. This unit covers different strategies and tools for improving your reading vocabulary. Click on one of the...

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