Category: Level 3 pages

Topic Sentences

Topic Sentences

In academic writing, many paragraphs or groups of paragraphs start with topic sentences, which are like mini-thesis statements. Topic sentences are idea indicators, or “signs” that help guide a reader along from idea to...

Paragraphing & Transitioning

Paragraphing & Transitioning

Transition Words Time Place Idea Summarizing Before long On the patio Another reason Finally Later that day In the kitchen Also In conclusion Late last night At the cottage In addition To conclude The...

See It in Practice

See It in Practice

In this video cast, our student writer takes a look at one of her paragraphs she has drafted for her essay. She discusses the transitions and transitional words she uses in her paragraph to...

Time to Write

Time to Write

Now that you have read all about paragraphs, including development and transitions, it’s time for you to begin drafting your paragraphs. Since you have already developed your working thesis, you should be ready to...

Traditional Essay Structure

Traditional Essay Structure

Although college essays can offer ideas in many ways, one standard structure for expository essays is to offer the main idea or assertion early in the essay, and then offer categories of support. Thinking...

See It in Practice

See It in Practice

Using the information from this section of the Excelsior OWL on developing a clear structure for a college essay, our student has now established a plan for her essay and has created a visual to...

Time to Write

Time to Write

Considering both your assignment and the essay structure you have learned about in this section of the Excelsior OWL, it’s now your time to write and to both organize and then draft your essay. If...

See It in Practice

See It in Practice

In order to help you have a better idea about how a strong writing process will help you as you write your own essay, for each section of The Writing Process area of the...

Time to Write

Time to Write

Now that you have seen how the student in the video approached her assignment, it’s your turn to examine your own writing assignment. As you do, it’s a good idea to write some ideas...



Many people write in personal journals (or online blogs). Writers not only record events in journals, but also reflect and record thoughts, observations, questions, and feelings. Journals are safe spaces to record your experience of the...

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