Category: Level 3 pages

Using a Checklist

Using a Checklist

Revision Checklist_____ Clear purpose?_____ Clear thesis statement?_____ Interesting introduction?_____ Smooth transitions?_____ Logical order?_____ Support for thesis statement?_____ Specific examples?_____ Conclusion supports thesis?_____ Completeness in conclusion?_____ Consistent tone?

Analyze This

Analyze This

Fallacies are everywhere! You have learned about some of the most common logical fallacies in this section of the Excelsior OWL, but now, it’s time to see some examples of how we encounter these...

See It in Practice

See It in Practice

The key thing to remember with logical fallacies is that we want to avoid faulty logic in our writing and we want to be aware of faulty logic in the source material we find....

Time to Write

Time to Write

It’s your turn now to make sure you are aware of fallacies and have worked to avoid them in your writing and in the sources you use in your essay. It’s a good idea...

Revision Strategies

Revision Strategies

When you revise and are spending time thinking about how well your content works in your essay, there are some strategies to keep in mind that can help. First and foremost, during the revision...

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