Category: Level 3 pages

APA Side By Side

APA Side By Side

Sometimes, the easiest way to think about your in-text citations and references (and how they must match) is to see them side by side. The following examples provide reference information and corresponding in-text citation...

Blog Considerations

Blog Considerations

There are certain things to consider when writing a blog. Click the plus marks on the interaction to explore and learn about best practices when writing a blog.

What Does It Look Like?

What Does It Look Like?

Select the video below to see a presentation which will provide you with a basic outline for developing an argumentative essay.

What Does It Look Like?

What Does It Look Like?

Select the video below to see a presentation which will provide you with a basic outline for developing a classification and division essay.

What Does It Look Like?

What Does It Look Like?

Select the video below to see a presentation which will provide you with a basic outline for developing a cause and effect essay.

What Does It Look Like?

What Does It Look Like?

Select the video below to see a presentation which will provide you with a basic outline for developing a definition essay.

What Does It Look Like?

What Does It Look Like?

Select the video below to see a presentation which will provide you with a basic outline for developing a description essay.

What Does It Look Like?

What Does It Look Like?

Select the video below to see a presentation which will provide you with a basic outline for developing an illustration essay.

What Does It Look Like?

What Does It Look Like?

Select the video below to see a presentation which will provide you with a basic outline for developing a narration essay.

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