Category: Level 4 pages

Writing for Your Health Sciences Audience

Writing for Your Health Sciences Audience

When you begin a writing assignment in a Health Sciences course, you want to ask yourself some questions first. For whom are you writing? Are you writing for another health professional, for the general...

Literature Review in Health Sciences

Literature Review in Health Sciences

The purpose of the literature review is to give you an overview of a particular topic. Your job in a Health Sciences literature review is to discover the research that has already been done,...

Essay Writing in Health Sciences

Essay Writing in Health Sciences

In many of your Health Sciences classes, you will be asked to write an essay on a variety of topics. For help with writing these essays, you can refer to our OWL page on...

Unknown or Anonymous Author

Unknown or Anonymous Author

When the author of a work is not known, the title of the work will be used in place of the author. There are some important details to be aware of however. If the...

Article on a News Website

Article on a News Website

Elements: Author’s Last name, Author’s First and Middle initials, & Last names and initials of other authors, if any. (Date published or updated). Title of webpage italicized. Site Name. URL

Group Author

Group Author

With AbbreviationsFor group authors with abbreviations, use the full name and the abbreviation in the first citation. Then, use only the abbreviation in subsequent citations. Without AbbreviationsFor group authors without abbreviations, simply list the...

Multiple Sources

Multiple Sources

If multiple sources are cited within the same in-text citation, separate each citation with a semicolon. The sources do not need to be alphabetized within the citation.

Personal Communications

Personal Communications

Personal communications, which are considered “nonrecoverable data” by the APA,  are information that readers cannot typically access. These include personal interviews, emails, letters, and phone calls. This information should be cited within the text,...

Intended Audience

Intended Audience

Classmates and professorsFor an academic audience of classmates and teachers, you have the task of considering a diverse group. You’ll want to think about how much background information your audience will need on your...

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