Category: Level 3 pages

MLA Sample Papers

MLA Sample Papers

Annotated Argumentative Bibliography (8th edition) Causal Argumentative Essay (9th edition) Classification and Division Essay From a Beginning Writing Class (8th edition) Compare and Contrast Essay From a Beginning Writing Class (9th edition) Compare and Contrast...

APA Sample Papers

APA Sample Papers

Annotated Bibliography Argumentative Essay From a Beginning Writing Class (traditional style) Argumentative Essay From a Psychology Class Aristotelian Argumentative Essay Cause and Effect Essay From a Beginning Writing Class Cause and Effect Essay From...

Investment Analysis and Recommendation

Investment Analysis and Recommendation

One piece of writing that you will be asked to do in certain business courses is called an “Investment Analysis and Recommendation.” These kinds of papers, or reports, carefully analyze the financial status of...

General Writing in Health Sciences

General Writing in Health Sciences

Writing in the Health Sciences Professions tends to be focused, direct, and succinct. The writing content of the health sciences professional is based on best practices that are current and evidence-based. The goal is...



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After completing this activity, you may download or print a completion report that summarizes your results. To save a PDF copy of the report, click below and follow instructions for your browser.



After completing this activity, you may download or print a completion report that summarizes your results. To save a PDF copy of the report, click below and follow instructions for your browser.

Noting Pros & Cons

Noting Pros & Cons

Once you know your topic for writing, develop ideas by pretending you’re preparing for a debate. List all of the pros and cons you can think of related to your topic. When you have...

In-Text Citations

In-Text Citations

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