Category: Level 3 pages



Logos is about appealing to your audience’s logical side. You have to think about what makes sense to your audience and use that as you build your argument. As writers, we appeal to logos...

Analyze This

Analyze This

As you have learned, balancing ethos, pathos, and logos as you build your argument is an important part of being persuasive. Now that you have learned about all three modes of persuasion, it should...

Time to Write

Time to Write

It’s time to think about how you will appeal to ethos, pathos, and logos and, depending upon where you are in your process, maybe even draft a few rough paragraphs using your source material...

Argumentative Thesis Overview

Argumentative Thesis Overview

Are you ready to review what you have learned about argumentative thesis statements? The video below will help with that. Be sure the volume on your computer is turned up as you review information on...

Audience Analysis

Audience Analysis

As a first step toward analyzing your audience for argument, you should review the Analyzing Your Audience worksheet in the Writing Process area of the Excelsior OWL. Then, check out this video below, which will take...

Offending an Audience

Offending an Audience

You have learned now that your writing isn’t just for you and that part of your role as a writer is to keep the audience in mind when you write. Some students struggle with...

Analyze This

Analyze This

It can be difficult to always keep your audience in mind when creating an argument and even more difficult to fully understand your audience’s perspectives. However, as writers, we must make an effort. If...

See It in Practice

See It in Practice

Now that you have had a chance to learn about audience and see an audience analysis of an ad in action, it’s time to see what it looks like when a student analyzes audience for...

Time to Write

Time to Write

It’s your turn now! Whether your assignment provides you with a specific audience or allows you to choose your audience, it’s time to take some notes and make some decisions about your audience. Remember, you...

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