Category: Level 1 pages

Online Writing & Presentations

Online Writing & Presentations

Welcome to Online Writing & Presentations!While essays and research papers are likely the most common types of writing assignments you’ll receive in college, more and more, students are being expected to write in digital...

Rhetorical Styles

Rhetorical Styles

Welcome to Rhetorical Styles!In the Rhetorical Styles area of the Excelsior OWL, you’ll learn about different rhetorical styles or, essentially, different strategies for developing your essays and other writing assignments. These basic strategies are not...

The Writing Process

The Writing Process

Welcome to The Writing Process!In this step-by-step support area, you will find everything you need to know about writing a paper from start to finish.Have you ever received a writing assignment, thought “this won’t...

Citation & Documentation

Citation & Documentation

Welcome to Citation & Documentation!Here you’ll find extensive support for APA, MLA, and Chicago documentation styles. This section features instructional videos that show you how to set up your papers in APA, MLA, and...

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