Slide 1
Student: What do you mean by compose?
Tutor: It means to put together, or create, the writing for your paper.
Slide 2
Tutor: So take out your paper and pen and get ready to start writing.
Student: Well, I’m really more comfortable writing on the computer.
Tutor: No problem. Write whichever way is easiest for you.
Student: OK.
Slide 3
Tutor: Remember that you need to follow the outline that you have already developed for your paper.
Student: OK, I think I get it.
Tutor: Here is an example of following an outline.
Slide 4 — Following an Outline
Slide 5 — Basic Outline
I. Introduction (includes thesis statement)
II. Body
A. Discussion point
B. Discussion point
C. Discussion point
III. Conclusion
We have already looked at the basic structure of an essay.
Slide 6
The topic for the essay will be “airline fees.” This will be a persuasive argument essay.
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We want to convince the reader that the airlines are charging too many extra fees. The title will be “Airline Fees: Enough Already!”
Slide 8
We will focus first on the introduction.
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Based on the idea of “too many airline fees,” the thesis statement will be “Airlines should stop charging extra fees for services and find another way to do business.”
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Later we will add some more sentences to the introduction.
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It’s time to add information to the main body of the essay.
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When we were generating ideas, we came up with some points for each section of the body.
A. meals, snacks, drinks, blankets, pillows, headsets
B. baggage, carry-on, convenience
C. service fees, profit, seats
Slide 13
The first paragraph in the body will be about things that used to be free – at least sometimes! – that now cost money.
A. meals, snacks, drinks, blankets, pillows, headsets
Slide 14
The next paragraph will be about baggage and how fees for checked luggage have made everyone’s experience less convenient and more unpleasant. As we think of new words and ideas, we can add them.
B. baggage, carry-on, convenience
Slide 15
The next paragraph will be about various types of service fees and how the airlines are considering new fees.
C. service fees, profit, seats
Slide 16
Let’s go back to the first paragraph. We want to make it clear that some things have always been free but that we have always had to pay for other things.
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We can mention reasonable fees for things that we have always had to pay for (like phone calls) and mention headsets, which some airlines charge a fee for.
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Then we can add the things that are no longer free that we now pay for.
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Finally, we can add the charges for soft drinks and water. This is a good way to end the paragraph since these fees make people very unhappy!
Slide 20
We follow the same process for filling in the sentences for the next two paragraphs in the body.
B. baggage, carry-on, convenience
C. service fees, profit, seats
Slide 21
Now we should think about how we want to introduce the essay and how we want to end it. It does not matter which one we work on first.
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We suggest that the airlines find a better way to deal with rising costs. We add the comment that passengers might start looking for other means of transportation.
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Now back to the introduction, which is often the most difficult part to write.
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The idea of paying a fee to use the rest room on an airplane should grab attention!
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The new sentence will remind the reader of the extra fees and point out that passengers are unhappy about the situation.
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The thesis statement provides an effective conclusion to the introductory paragraph.
Slide 27
Now you should be able to fill in your ideas as you follow the basic outline. Good luck!
I. Introduction (includes thesis statement)
II. Body
A. Discussion point
B. Discussion point
C. Discussion point
III. Conclusion
Slide 28
Student: What happens if I start writing, and I get some new ideas, and they are really good ideas, but they don’t fit into the outline?
Tutor: Oh, that’s all right! It’s perfectly OK to go back and change the outline if you need to. The important thing is that you stay with the type of organization that your professor will expect to see.