Blog Posts & Comments | MLA Works Cited

MLA core elements with 2 containers and 3 potential supplemental elements

Blog Post

MLA Works Cited reference information for blog posts and comments is presented in a similar manner to how website information is presented.

Hollmichel, Stephanie. "The Reading Brain: Differences between Digital and Print." So Many Books, 25 Apr. 2013, Accessed 25 May 2017.
Zendell, Anna. “Creating Effective Class Presentations Using the Excelsior OWL Presentation Resources.” Hoot – The Excelsior OWL Blog, 11 Dec. 2019, Excelsior OWL.
Elements used in the first citation example include author, title, title of container, publication date, location (website address), and the accessed date as a final supplemental item. The link to this page no longer takes you to the article, so the accessed date establishes when this content was viewed.

Elements used in the second citation example include author, title, title of container, publication date, location (website address), and title of container 2.

Blog Comment

To cite a comment on a blog post or article, include the name of the commenter, if available, and “Comment on” before the title of the article and the URL of the comment, not the post.

Hughson, Monica. Comment on “Meditations on Uncertain Times.” Well, New York Times, 30 Mar. 2022,
Elements in this citation example include author of the comment, title, title of container, publisher, publication date, and location.

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