Slide 1 — Run-On Sentences
Slide 2 — Definition
A run-on sentence is a series of independent clauses that are put together in one sentence with no punctuation, often using more than one conjunction. Conjunctions are words like and, but, and or.
Slide 3 — Example
None of my friends liked the movie I did not see it.
There are 2 independent clauses in the sentence. We say that they are “run-on” because the 2 clauses are not separated by any punctuation.
We can fix the sentence by adding the appropriate punctuation and a conjunction.
We will look at some different options for punctuation in Punctuating Sentences.
Slide 4 — Activity Introduction
On the next 10 slides, decide if each group of words is a run-on sentence or a correct sentence.
Tim is tired of walking everywhere he would like to buy a car.
Run-on sentence
Correct sentence
The correct answer is Run-on sentence.
Slides 5-14 — Multiple Choice Activity
Slide 15 — Summary Slide
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