Thank You Letters
Your job interview is your chance to make a good first impression on a potential employer, and writing a prompt thank you letter afterwards continues that good impression. Even if you think you may not have done as well as you’d hoped or if you have decided you may not want to work at the company for which you interviewed, it is still important always to send a thank you. You never know when or if you may cross paths again with your potential employer, and you want to always follow best practices for the interview process – and that includes writing a thank you letter right away.
A good rule of thumb is to write to thank your interviewer within 24 hours after your interview. An even better practice is to write it the same evening so that the letter is in your potential employer’s inbox the next morning. This promptness is an example of your ability to address things in a timely manner as well as your sense of good etiquette and protocol.
How you write your thank you letter is as important as when to do so. Stick to the same formal, direct tone that you used in your cover letter. Avoid addressing your contact informally or using the kind of tone or language you might use in a text message to a friend. Remember: this letter is still part of the formal job-application process.
Subject line: Thank you for meeting with me
Hello (Insert name of interviewer or HR contact),
Thank you for taking the time to meet with me and to introduce me to the team this morning. I enjoyed our conversation about the IT Project Manager position and appreciated learning more about what you expect from the role and how it fits in with the greater organization. The way the IT and marketing teams work together sounds ideal for reaching the company’s goals and fulfilling its strategic plan.
I look forward to the opportunity to discuss this position with you further. I would welcome the chance to put my skills to work and help you achieve your company’s mission. I thank you in advance for your time and consideration as you make your decision.
Thank you and kind regards,
Amelia Lopez