Blog Posts and Comments | APA References

A computer using the internet

Blog Posts

Elements: Author’s Last name, Author’s First initial. (Posting date). Title of article. Name of blog italicized. URL

Nolan, H. (2025, February 5). The business community is extraordinarily stupid. How Things Work.

Comments on a Blog Post

Elements: Username of commenter. (Posting date). Comment title or up to the first 20 words of the comment [Comment on the blog post “Title of blog post”]. Name of blog italicized. URL directly to comment if possible, or to blog post

CaptainOblivious. (2025, February 5). Absolutely spot on. How does a cell phone company with a valuation of $3 trillion expect to keep its [Comment on the blog post "The business community is extraordinarily stupid"]. How Things Work.

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