Television, Film, & Other Media | APA References

Television film and video graphic

Television Episode
NOTE: Identify the primary contributors at the beginning of the citation and, in parentheses, identify their function, e.g. Director, Executive producer, Writer, etc.

Elements: Last name, First and Middle initials, & Last names and initials of other primary contributors, if any. (Function). (Year, Month and Day, if available). Title of episode. In First and middle initials followed by Last name (Executive Producer or Producers), Title of series italicized. Production company.

Levy, S. (Director). (2017, October 27). Chapter three: The pollywog. In M. Duffer, R. Duffer, S. Levy, D. Cohen, & I. Paterson (Executive Producers), Stranger Things. 21 Laps Entertainment; Netflix.
NOTE: Identify the primary contributors at the beginning of the citation and, in parentheses, identify their function, e.g. Director, Executive producer, Writer, etc.

Elements: Last name, First and Middle initials, & Last names and initials of other primary contributors, if any. (Function). (Year, Month and Day, if available). Title of the film italicized [Film]. Studio or Distributor.

Coen, J. & Coen, E. (Directors). (1996). Fargo [Film]. Gramercy Pictures.
Podcast Episode
NOTE: Provide the podcast episode number after the title of the episode in parentheses, but this can be omitted if the series does not number episodes. In the brackets after the episode title and number, specify if the podcast is audio or video. If the URL of the podcast is not known (if accessed via an app), simply omit the URL.

Elements: Last name, First initial, & Last names and initials of other primary contributors, if any. (Function). (Year, Month and Day, if available). Title of episode (No. episode number) [Audio or video podcast episode]. In Title of the series in italics. Publisher. URL

McKinney, K. (Host). (2023, June 7). Family mealworms with Patrick Redford (No. 40) [Audio podcast episode]. In Normal Gossip. Defector Media.
YouTube Video or Other Streaming Video

Elements: Last name, First and Middle initials, & Last names and initials of other primary contributors, if any. (Year released, Month and Day). Title of the video italicized [Video]. Streaming Service. URL

Ezekiel, S. (2012, March 21). MIT understanding laser and fiberoptics: Fiberoptics fundamentals [Video]. YouTube.