Social Media | APA References

Elements: Last name, First and Middle initials or Name of Group. [@username]. (Year, Month and Day). Content of the post up to the first 20 words italicized [Description of audiovisuals] [Source type]. Site Name. URL
NASA. [@NASA]. (2020, January 5). A team of astronomers have found EGS77—the farthest galaxy group known to date! [Video attached] [Tweet]. Twitter.
Elements: Last name, First and Middle initials or Name of Group. [@username]. (Year, Month and Day). Content of the post up to the first 20 words italicized, including emojis and hashtags [Video]. Site Name. URL
Save the Music. [@savethemusic]. (2025, January 28). First graders at PS 30 in Jersey City are kicking off their musical journey by learning note values! [Video]. TikTok.
Facebook Post
Elements: Last name, First and Middle initials or Name of Group. [@username]. (Year, Month and Day). Content of the post up to the first 20 words italicized [Description of audiovisuals] [Source type]. Site Name. URL
Excelsior Online Writing Lab. [@ExcelsiorOWL]. (2019, July 2). Another application for questioning is to develop good research questions. [Thumbnail with link attached] [Status update]. Facebook.
Instagram Photo or Video
Elements: Last name, First and Middle initials or Name of Group. [@username]. (Year, Month and Day). Content of the post up to the first 20 words italicized [Description of audiovisuals]. Site Name. URL
Sulic, L. [@lukasulicworld]. (2019, December 31). We wish you a happy new year! [Photograph]. Instagram.
LinkedIn Post
Elements: Last name, First and Middle initials or Name of Group. (Year, Month). Content of the post up to the first 20 words italicized [Description of audiovisuals, if necessary] [Source type]. Site Name. URL
Wallake, Braden. (2023, February). This will be the most vulnerable thing I'll ever share. We just had to layoff a few of our employees. [Image attached] [Post]. LinkedIn.
NOTE: LinkedIn does not include dates on their posts, so approximate the posting date as closely as possible.