Reports | APA References

ReportsReports are similar to journal articles because they typically present research. Report references should be formatted the same as a book, but keep the following in mind:

  • If the report has one or more authors, list those first as you would with a book.
  • If the report has a number assigned to it, then that number needs to be included in the reference. It should be placed in parentheses immediately after the title.
  • If the report comes from a government agency or organization and no author is listed, list the organization name first.
  • If the publisher is the same as the authoring agency, omit the publisher from the source element.
Report With Author(s)

Elements: Last name, First and Middle initials. (Year released, Month and Day). Title of report italicized (Report Number). Publisher Name (if different from authors). DOI or URL.

Smith, J. A., & Jones, S. P. (2013). The effects of applying the Excelsior University OWL's reading strategies in freshman writing classes (Report No. 123).
Report From a Government Agency

Elements: Organization Name. (Year). Title of report italicized (Report Number). DOI or URL

National Council of Online Colleges. (2018). How open educational resources help online colleges stay afloat. https://ncoc.ho-open-educational-resources-help-online-colleges-stay-afloat/2018.pdf