Using Prewriting
Prewriting is a great way to get your thoughts going and to help you better see what your thinking is. When we use prewriting, we have a lot of options, but the idea is to get ourselves writing without any pressure.
Prewriting can be messy, “listy”, and totally creative. Prewriting is about what works for you to help you get some ideas down and your thoughts flowing.
Some options for prewriting include the following:
The idea is to make some notes, review them, and see what you think. You may know a broad issue you want to work with, and prewriting can help you narrow it down. If you don’t have an issue yet, you can do things like list issues you are interested in and have heard about and then go from there.
Of course, talking to people helps, too! The key is to get your mind going, and some good prewriting strategies can help!