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Tutor: Here is another important piece of advice: Read your paper out loud.
Student: Why should I do that?
Tutor: Well, here are some reasons:
- Reading out loud will force you to slow down and pay close attention to exactly what you have written. If there are errors, reading out loud will help you hear them.
- If you omitted a word or used a word too many times, reading out loud will help you notice this.
- Reading the paper out loud will help you realize whether or not the ideas are in the right order.
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Student: OK, how exactly should I do this?
Tutor: Here are some suggestions:
- Read from a printed copy—not the computer screen.
- Use your finger or a pencil to focus on just one sentence or phrase at a time.
- Read fairly slowly.
- Stop when you come to each comma or period. If it doesn’t sound right, you might want to check to make sure that the comma is in the right place.
- Listen for the transition words that help you move from one idea to the next.
- Some people suggest that you read your paper backwards. Start with the last sentence and keep going until you reach the beginning.
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Student: But I feel embarrassed when I read out loud and others can hear me. It makes me feel a little foolish!
Tutor: It’s all for a good cause. If you do feel foolish, it’s probably better if you do this alone!
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Student: Traveling by train or bus is sounding like a much more attractive option.
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Tutor: You may find it very useful to make a voice recording of your paper and play it back.
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Tutor: When you have finished recording your text and playing it back, make any necessary corrections in your draft. Now let’s move on to the next step in revision. Click on Glossing on the left.