Meet the Excelsior OWL Team

Photo of Nan Rodriguez Nan Rodriguez, Director of the Excelsior Writing Center and Online Writing Lab
Since joining Excelsior, Nan has added many pages to the OWL, including pages in Writing in the Disciplines, Research, Grammar Essentials, and other areas. She has also created completely new sections, such as the Writing at the Graduate Level and Writing for Your Career pages. She has also updated some of the images, names, and content areas to reflect a more diverse audience.
Photo of Jeff Hart Jeff Hart, Online Learning Website Coordinator
With more than a decade of experience in publishing, Jeff brings his keen eye for detail and lifelong love of learning to his role as website coordinator. He makes sure that the OWL experience flows smoothly and works with both team members and users to develop improvements for the site.
Photo of Lori Aldrich Lori Aldrich, Content and Design Consultant to the OWL
Lori is a dedicated and detail-oriented team member who provides essential content, instructional design, and multimedia content development skills. She also ensures content consistency and tracks project development.
Photo of Mark Oppenneer Mark Oppenneer, Director of Web Systems
Mark is the former Director of the Excelsior OWL. He is an open source innovator with a passion for creating enterprise web resources. He is the technical architect and lead developer of the Excelsior OWL platform.

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