If you are citing an online journal article for your MLA Works Cited page, you will most likely need just one container to present publication information.
Collins, Ross. "Writing and Desire: Synthesizing Rhetorical Theories of Genre and Lacanian Theories of the Unconscious." Composition Forum, vol. 33, spring 2016, compositionforum.com/issue/33/writing-desire.php.
DOIs and URLS: DOIs (digital object identifiers) are the preferred location element for online content. Most online journals will include DOI information on their landing page. If there is not a DOI, a permalink is preferred over a URL. Unless you are including hyperlinks in your Work Cites page at the request of your instructor, you do not need http:// or https:// included in the citation.
Seasons: A season (spring, summer, fall, etc) is in lowercase if it is included as part of the publication date.