Online Book | APA References

An ipad with an ebook opened

Elements: Author’s Last name, Author’s First and Middle initials, & Last names and initials of other authors, if any. (Year of publication). Title of the book italicized. Publisher. URL to the full text ebook or to the distributor’s homepage

NOTE: Do not list a database. If the book has no stable URL, end the reference with the publisher.
Austen, J. (1813). Pride and prejudice. Gutenberg.

Online Book with a DOI

Smith, J. (2018). Women’s support groups. Routledge.

Edited Ebook from a Library Database

NOTE: Use (Ed.) if there is a single editor.
Randall, S. & Ford, H. (Eds.) (2011). Long term conditions: A guide for nurses and health care professionals. John Wiley & Sons.

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